The Tragedy of the Commons: An Property Rights Annotation of Injected Capital in State Owned Banking Low Efficiently 公地的悲剧:政府注资国有银行低效率的一种产权诠释
Based in Manama, the capital, it is owned by a wealthy Sunni merchant family. 球队的建立在巴林首都麦纳麦,属于一个富有的逊尼派商人家族。
Additionally, the input of registered capital of privately owned enterprises has shown a trend of substantial growth. 此外,私营企业注册资金投入呈大幅上升之势。
In recent years, the problem on adding the capital of China's state owned commercial banks has become the point at issue in sphere of learning and policy making group. 近年来,我国国有独资商业银行资本金的补充问题正成为学术界及决策层关注的焦点。
Capital Bank Plaza is owned by Raleigh Development Company and operated by RDC Property Management. 首府银行广场为罗利发展公司所有,由RDC房产管理公司经营。
Second, the differences between material capital and human capital owned by the shareholders decide the different allocation of the enterprises 'ownership, which results in the different corporate governance patterns. 公司利益相关者在企业中所拥有的物质资本和人力资本水平的差异决定了企业所有权配置的不同,形成了公司治理结构的不同模式;
Customer capital is not customers 'capital, nor capital controlled by customers, but a sort of special knowledge capital owned and controlled by enterprises, so, it should be managed in enterprises' accounting system. 顾客资本不是顾客的资本,不是顾客控制的资本,而是企业所有与控制的特殊的知识资本,因而应该在会计系统中予以处理。
Jurisprudential Analysis of the Capital Structure of State Owned Enterprise 国有企业资本结构改革的法理分析
The Study for the Value of Human Capital for the Stated-owned Enterprises in China 我国国有企业人力资本价值研究
Entrepreneur is the main clue of economy research. The development of economic theory and economic practice is closely related to entrepreneur. The special human capital owned to entrepreneur is the most important and unusual social resource. 企业家与经济理论、经济实践的发展线索密切相关,企业家所拥有的特殊人力资本,是最重要、最稀缺的社会资源。
The public owned capital refers to that in socialist country the capital is owned by the whole or partly labors, the profit and the interest gained is still the public capital. 公有资本是指社会主义国家由全体或部分劳动者共同占有,所得利润和利息仍为公有的资本。
Optimizing the structure of capital of state-owned enterprise is imperative. 优化国有企业资本结构,势在必行。
Generally, the resources position levels of three capital owned enterprises are much higher than that of the state owned and the civil owned enterprises. 总体上讲,三资企业的资源位水平高于国有和民营企业。
Problems existing in capital structure of state owned enterprises and its optimization 我国国有企业资本结构存在的问题及其优化
The basic framework of China's state owned capital system is the delegated operation between governments, management and operation committees of state owned capital and state owned capital investment corporations. 我国国有资本经营管理体制的基本框架是政府、国有资本经营管理委员会、国有资本投资公司之间的授权经营。
The author thinks that the intension of capital earnings rate can be divided into paid-up capital, owned capital, total capital, operating capital and human capital. 认为资本收益率的内涵可分为实收资本收益率、自有资本收益率、总资本收益率、经营资本收益率、人力资本收益率。
The fundamental principle of the paid use of water quality capital is "owned by the nation, used by all the people, the user pays toward the nation, and the nation transfers toward the conservator". 水质资本有偿使用的基本原则是国家所有、全民使用、使用者向国家支付、国家向保护者转移。
The capital owned by the real estate agent is not enough, what make the commercial bank have to endure the market risk and the credit risk. 而我国房地产开发企业自有资金比例过低、资金链条十分脆弱,这使得商业银行承受了房地产市场运行中各个环节的市场风险和信用风险。
Presents analysis of and suggestions for suitable models for foreign capital utilization by Chinese state owned enterprises. Discusses the advantages and disadvantages of foreign capital utilization. 运用国际经济合作的基本原理,分析了我国国有企业利用外资的特点和主要方式,并讨论了几种利用外资主要方式的利弊,提出了国有企业利用外资方式选择的对策与建议。
The Analysis of Sufficiency Rate of Own Capital of State Owned Banks of China Under the Framework of New Basel Agreement and the Relevant Policies 《新巴塞尔协议》框架下对中国国有银行资本充足率水平及对策的研究
To improve the proportion of capital owned by self can keep the investment size within limits. 提高投资项目资本金的比例,能遏制投资规模过大。
To management the adequacy rate of capital on the state owned commercial bank is the core task for the center bank to supervise. 中央银行对商业银行资本充足性管理是其监管的核心。
Capital operation is a kind of outer and inner resource rational distribution of an enterprise. It is a capital circulation in a large range, after the production management and the business management, and its target is the capital an enterprise owned. 资本运营是企业继生产经营和商品经营后以所拥有的资本为对象,通过资本更大范围的流动,实现内外部资源的优化配置。
His translated poems helped to change traditional poems from being cultural capital owned by officials, literaties and intellectuals to being a weapon of constructing a new culture. 胡适的译诗使中国传统诗歌从文人士大夫的文化资本转变成新文化建设的利器。
Intellectual capital is a special asset owned by the company, which can create competitive advantage. 知识资本是企业内部以知识为基础、可以创造竞争优势的一种特殊资产。
First, this paper posts some antecedents of financing through an analysis of the management ability, capital owned by oneself and moral hazard of entrepreneur. 首先通过对企业家能力、自有资本和道德风险的分析,揭示了企业家在融资中影响其融资能力的自身因素或条件,并通过一个模型给出了数学解释。
Analysis of Models of Foreign Capital Utilization by Chinese State owned Enterprises 我国国有企业利用外资的方式分析
Thinking in All Reason about Transferring Equity Capital Owned By Government 国有股权流通的理性思考
Therefore, most developed countries can take advantage of the human capital owned by these international students to drive their development. 因此,发达国家在很大程度上可以充分利用这些留学生身上所拥有的人力资本,促进本国经济社会的发展。
In 1998, the government issued 270 billions special national debts to supply the capital of the state owned banks. 1998年,国家通过财政发行2700亿特种国债补充国有商业银行资本金,1999年通过设立四家资产管理公司剥离1万多亿不良资产。